Tips for parents/partners

Open Day is the perfect opportunity to find out everything you and your student could ever want to know about courses, careers, applying and more. You can also find out how to best support your student as they plan their future and begin uni.

Plan your day in advance

Encourage your student to register and plan their day in advance. 

Our online planner is available before the event. Check out the program and add sessions of interest to your planner so you don’t miss out as some sessions will only run once.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Open Day is the perfect opportunity to ask every question you and your student can imagine. We’ll have academics, course experts, support staff and admissions experts on hand ready to help.

Don’t be afraid to take notes either – having your questions written down and ready to go will help make sure you don’t forget to ask on the day. And it means you can make the most of one-on-one chats with our staff.

Chat to current students

Our students make us proud. Ask them anything you’d like about their life at ACU, from “How much time do you spend studying?” to “What are the best and most challenging things about uni?” They’ll give an honest answer and be able to offer some great insider advice. They live the student experience, so will be able to give you honest and informed answers to your questions. And like your student, they were weighing up study options not long ago, so they’ll have some great advice.

Understand the application process

Chat to our staff about important application dates, entry requirements and prerequisites. It’s also a great idea to find out about admission pathways and adjustment factors.

Tour the campus

Our campuses are welcoming with state-of-the-art facilities. During Open Day, we will be running a range of tours so you can explore teaching and learning spaces, labs, the library, recreation areas and more.

Scope out our support services

Find out about all the support services available at ACU and exactly how we can help your student through their studies.

Consider the other side of university life

Encourage your student to discover what else university life has to offer. Joining a sporting team, student association, club or society is a great way to make new friends and build new support networks. Open Day is a great way to find out more about what’s available at ACU.