Six tips to make the most of Open Day

You can tell a lot about a university by its Open Day. You can discuss course options and admission pathways, talk to real students, and find out more about student life and support services. You can also get a feel for the campus, as you’ll be able to wander around facilities in real life.

As Open Day is such a great resource for learning more about your study options, it pays to do a bit of preparation before the day. That way you can be sure you have made the most of it. Here are our tips for a great Open Day.

Explore the campus

One of the biggest advantages of an Open Day is it allows you to explore the grounds and facilities. You’ll also be able to go on a guided campus tour so you can see everything the campus has to offer – from study spaces like labs, lecture theatres and the library, to cafes, sports facilities and student lounges.

If you can’t attend an on-campus Open Day, don’t worry. You can book a guided campus tour anytime throughout the year.

Prepare some questions

There are lots of experts at Open Day, and they are all there to talk to you. So, it’s worth taking the time to think about what you would like to ask when you get there.

Maybe you want to ask about entry requirements, pathways into a particular course, entry programs, timetables or placements? There is no wrong question. And it helps to jot your questions down on a piece of paper or in your phone to make sure you don’t forget to ask on the day.

Plan your day

Most universities will have a website for Open Day where you can view the program and see the locations and times of activities and sessions. As some sessions are only run once, it’s a great idea to plan your day in advance so you can make sure you don’t miss anything you really want to see.

For our Open Days, we provide a free online planner you can use to build your itinerary for the day. You can browse the program, add sessions of interest, and save or print your planner to use for the day.

Talk to the people in the know

A big part of a university is its people – so make sure you talk to as many staff members and students as possible.

And don’t forget to talk to current students. They live the student experience, so will be able to give you honest and informed answers to your questions. And like you, they were weighing up study options not long ago, so they’ll have some great advice.

Get down to the nitty gritty

Don’t be afraid to ask tough questions. Like: “All universities offer exercise science – so why should I choose you?” Or: “I’m thinking of applying to University X and they do Y or Z – how does that compare to what this university offers?”

We won’t hold it against you, far from it. We understand – you’re making a huge decision, it’s only fair you have all the information.

Go to more than one Open Day

Every university is different, and they all have their pros and cons. So even if you’ve made up your mind where you want to study, it’s a good idea to go to a few different Open Days. It may reassure you that you’ve made the right decision, or it may provide some new options you hadn’t considered before.

Either way, Open Days are free – so you have nothing to lose by going to a couple. Remember, you’re making a big decision, so it doesn’t hurt to shop around before you commit.

What if I can’t attend Open Day

If you can’t make it to Open Day, you can visit us on campus by booking a guided campus visit.